Sunday, May 14, 2006
I was just watching a commercial for this Deal or No Deal and thought; if I was trying to make a decision on so much as what to get from a soda machine while Howie Mandel and Regis Philbin were screaming at me, I'd roundhouse Regis, poke Howie in the eyes a la Three Stooges, and steal every one of their briefcases.
Ugh. I never watch those shows. Or reality shows. I have more than enough things I can watch that will rot my brain without indulging in those things. ::shudder::
Yeah, and I was just talking about the commercial . . .
can't imagine.
actually can, don't want to.
Very sorry. This is payback for Jim Carrey. At least you don't have to suffer Noel Edmonds
Nothing like cold comfort during blackberry winter. Shame we can't burn Carrey and Regis in effigy in November . . . .
Who says we can't?
my kind of American . . .
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