I've decided on my next pet . . .
I saw this article in one of my competitors' newspapers and pulled out the comp paper they send us.
The turkey buzzard, if their article reads correctly, is basically a big, friendly, winged mutt that just happens to live on carrion. Apparently it doesn't kill live prey but hangs around with these black vultures that do.
And turkey buzzards also have a digestive system that kills all bacteria - ergo, they're pretty clean birds.
If I had one, all I'd have to do is take it to work and stop at the nearest convenient road kill. I did a little research on the web to check out this story, and turkey buzzards seem to be capable of adopting humans and of being pretty sociable animals.
Besides, I kind of like the image of having a red-headed, harmless harbinger of death on my shoulder. Beats training a parrot to talk. Beau----tiful plumage!
"Polly wanna possum?"
I want one. It would scare the crap out of the kids who kick footballs around my car.
You might be disappointed. I read that a group of them was observed once knocking about a soccer ball in a back yard.
If they ever learn to comprehend rugby . . .
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